
The first gathering of an interested group of Norwegian Elkhound owners
from the northern Illinois area took place in Wheeling, IL on Sunday,
February 19, 1967 at Allison Woods. Fifteen flyers were sent out
announcing the gathering. Seven interested people came with their
Elkhounds and enjoyed "Elkie" talk and hot coffee. From the first
gathering the famous "Sunday Romp" developed, and the group became
known as the Great Lakes Norsk Elghund Association. The club enjoys a
winter romp with the dogs, on a Saturday in February. A lunch and short
meeting usually follows to complete the day. NEINEA offers other
activities throughout the year. A Specialty Show and Obedience Trial, a
fall Meander in the Marsh, and marching in the annual Norway Day Parade
are just a few of the events.
NEINEA has grown from a group of interested Elkhound owners to
an AKC licensed breed club, officially changing its name in the mid-1970’s to
Northeastern Illinois Norwegian Elkhound Association, Inc. NEINEA is a not-for-profit
corporation chartered under the laws of the State of Illinois, and operating under an AKC
approved constitution. The membership of the NEINEA is geographically diverse, drawn
mainly from northern Illinois. The club meets on the second Friday of every month,
rotating the meetings among the active members’ homes. Education is one of the
primary reasons for NEINEA’s existence. Through monthly meetings and programs, the
club works to keep Elkhound owners, breeders, and fanciers current with medical and
technical advancements in the canine field. The club also provides assistance and
encouragement to new owners who want to know how to train an Elkhound.
NEINEA supports the Norwegian Elkhound breed standard
established by the AKC and offers a group sympathetic to all interested people willing to
work to maintain these standards through selective, conscientious breeding programs. The
club financially helps many clinics, foundations, and animal welfare agencies, etc. The
NEINEA was initiated for the betterment of the Elkhound breed and also as a family
oriented club. Through the efforts of our members, many young people have shown their
dogs. Through additional efforts of our members several rescue Norwegian Elkhounds have
been adopted into new homes. Another purpose of the club is to encourage the breeding of
pure-bred Norwegian Elkhounds, to develop and bring perfection to their natural high
qualities, and to bring together people in the area who are Norwegian Elkhound
The Northeastern Illinois Norwegian Elkhound Association, Inc.
invites all non-members or dog enthusiasts interested in the betterment of Norwegian
Elkhounds to attend either a business meeting or a club function.
Contact the Corresponding Secretary for more information.